The Box

2016 February 11

Created by Tina one year ago

Cherry loved cardboard boxes. Whenever we had a delivery, she would be the first one there, not to see what was inside, but because she wanted the box. She loved to lie tearing it into pieces.

Sadly, as she grew older, her teeth were so bad she had most of them removed, so her box tearing days were over, but she still came to see what the delivery was, you never know, it might have contained some tasty treats!

One day we had a delivery in rather a large box, which of course Cherry wanted. When I’d unpacked it she took it and tried to carry it to her crate. But, it was far too big. Oh the fun we had watching her. She got so frustrated at one point, she started whining, but she was determined to do it.

After knocking over a chair - the box was so big she couldn’t see where she was going - she finally got it in her crate.

Paul caught it all on video, and it’s still on youtube. You can find it if you search ‘greyhound versus a box.

Here’s the link if you’d like to watch it.

Our dear, funny girl.

